My Works

Check out my most notable projects:

Gravity Boots - 2D Platformer made with Unity

  • Result of University-Project "Game Lab I"
  • Goal: Combine classic platformer elements with gravity alteration mechanic
  • Winner of Julius-Maximilians-University Game of the Year Award 2021
  • Project included a playable game, a trailer, a poster, as well as a paper describing the development process (I dare you to read it, you might be the first one to ever do so. 😄)
  • Focus on fast paced, challenging gameplay in a futuristic setting


Doria Auer - Ubisoft Bluebyte (translated from German):

"A lovingly designed game with a pleasantly clean style that makes you think and experiment with its gravity feature."

Simone Lackerbauer - Games Bavaria:

"I like the fast-paced gameplay. You need to think in all four directions of two dimensions - but you do not have a lot of time to do so."

Pathfinding Algorithm Visualization

  • Hobby-project written in python
  • Manual or automatic maze generation by user
  • Visualizes the solving process of common algorithms and shows relevant statistics
  • Goal of project: Apply important software patterns learned in University to actual problems, such as:
  • Interface-Patter, Model-View-Controller-Pattern, Single-Responsibility-Pattern, ...

Fancy Splines - Unity Plugin

  • University Project "Game Lab II"
  • Goal: Develop a Unity Plugin for the external Stakeholder Building Information Innvoator GmbH.
  • Plugin for drawing customizable Splines with focus on Performance and Usability
  • Performance gain by using GPU Parallelization via Compute-Shaders
  • Still in early stages, not comfortable sharing source code yet..