About Me

Let me tell you a few things...

Frederic Thoma


Hi and welcome to my portfolio! I'm Frederic, a 22 year old "Games Engineering" student and aspiring Game Developer. Ever since my childhood, I have been fascinated by video games - The beautiful settings, the fun and challenging gameplay-mechanics and sheer endless possibilities.

Over the years my interest gradually shifted from the gameplay itself to the creation of the games, as I realized how creative and skilled the creators of these games are. This was the time I decided, that I want to become a game developer myself. Ever since then I took every decision of my journey to some day be part of a real Game-Developer Team, that creates games other people can enjoy.

Games Engineering Student

In an attempt to make my passion my profession (try saying that 5 times fast), I am currently studying "Games Engineering" at Julius-Maximilians-University Wuerzburg. Here I am learning the theoretical knowledge necessary for the game development process.

Software-Engineer Working Student

I am a working student for Nexedi GmbH, one of Europe's largest open-source software publishers and creator of ERP5. Here I am being taught how to develop, maintain and extend software in a professional manner.

Passionate, hungry for knowledge

Since it's my dream to become a Game Developer, in addition to my education and professional activities, I invest a lot of my free time trying to learn relevant skills for Game-Development. I regularly apply the knowledge gained in University to small hobby projects.